Michelle Titian Releasing The First Single From THE Upcoming Album & Video Premiere of DRIVE

Michelle Titian
Releasing The First Single From THE
Upcoming Album & Video Premiere of DRIVE
Hosted by Ted Michaels of AM900 CHML
Saturday May 5th, 2018
The Studio at 1 Summers Lane, Hamilton Ontario
In Support of St. Joseph’s Healthcare Foundation
For Mental Health And Addiction
Tickets Presale begins Thursday, March 22 10am-10pm
(Password: DRIVE) @ Ticketmaster.ca

Michelle Titian Music ( www.michelletitian.com ) is
excited to announce a concert to release the first single, from Michelle Titian’s upcoming album,
and the video premiere of DRIVE. The evening will be hosted by Ted Michaels of Corus
Entertainment’s AM900 CHML at The Studio at 1 Summers Lane, Hamilton Ontario. The event
is in support of St. Joseph’s Healthcare Foundation for Mental Health and Addiction with all
proceeds being donated to bring awareness and support to mental health and addiction.
Presale begins Thursday, March 22 10am-10pm (Password: DRIVE) @ Ticketmaster.ca
Michelle has been surrounded by music her entire life. Born and raised in Hamilton, Ontario,
she has recently completed her fantastic new album “Drive”. Michelle’s combination of poignant
lyrics, emotive music and stunning performances make this singer-songwriter a powerful artist.
The principal inspiration for the debut single “Drive” is Michelle’s struggle with alcohol addiction
for many years. Seeking help Michelle has been sober since March 10th 2014. Motivated by her
experiences she wrote the song “Drive”; a song about her recovery that will be released as the
debut single.
Ted Michaels of Corus Entertainment’s AM900 CHML has been a huge supporter of Michelle
and her story of recovery. He is the host of “Wellness Wednesdays”, which has won three
awards, the media award from the Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health
(CAMIMH) and the media award from The Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention (CASP).
In addition, Ted received the CMHA Ontario’s 2016 Provincial Media Award. Michaels is the
host of the Health and Wellness show on CHML.
St. Joseph’s Healthcare Foundation is known for building lasting, mutually rewarding
partnerships that enable St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, a multi-campus, teaching hospital, to
provide the best in compassionate patient care and innovative medical research.
For the past 40 years, the Foundation has reached out to the community for donations, big and
small, to assist with capital improvements, research funding, academic infrastructure and
equipment renewals and enhancements. Since 1970, together they have raised more than $119
million for St. Joseph’s, which has emerged as one of Canada’s leading health science centres.
While it is common for persons with mental illness and addiction to experience stigma and
barriers to social integration, St. Joseph’s is deeply committed to working with their community
partners in mental healthcare to eradicate stigma and promote the fullest recovery for every
individual. To learn more, visit: www.stjoes.ca or www.stjoesfoundation.ca .
For more information please contact:
Chantelle Seguin
Director of Communications
Michelle Titian Music